Ohio Criminal Defense Attorneys

If You Suspect That You May Be Charged With a Crime, Call Me Now!

Very often before formal charges are filed, there is an investigation. Law enforcement tries to gather as much evidence as possible to build their case against you. This is the pre-file state of a case. This is when having a good attorney can make the most dramatic impact on your case.

Most people naturally want to defend themselves, and many tend to explain or defend themselves to anyone who will listen: police officers, the judge at arraignment, investigators, or even to bystanders.

Resist the Temptation to Talk

You need an attorney before you talk to anyone. Getting the right attorney immediately can often prevent charges from being filed in the first place. If charges end up being filed, having the right attorney already on board can ensure that your constitutional rights are protected.

I strongly encourage you to call my office as soon as you or someone you know may be suspected of a crime or is in any way involved in a criminal investigation.

Facing Legal Trouble?

Let Us Defend You

If You Have Been Arrested for a Crime, You Have a Right to an Attorney and You Have a Right to a Fair, Speedy Trial

It is strongly recommended that you always use an experienced criminal attorney and never defend yourself in a criminal trial. There are countless legal traps and loopholes that can result in unfair convictions and severe sentences.

Public defenders, or court-appointed attorneys, are often overburdened and cannot always devote the time that your case requires. No two cases are alike, and each defendant needs and deserves the best defense lawyer. Until you have an attorney, do not speak to anyone. Exercise your constitutionally guaranteed right not to incriminate yourself. Do not answer any questions.

It is human nature to want to defend yourself when accused of a crime. Most people who incriminate themselves do so by trying to explain or defend themselves to the arresting officer or judge at their arraignment. Resist the temptation! Anything that you say can and will be used against you, and even the most seemingly innocent questions from a friendly law enforcement officer can severely damage your ability to defend yourself.